26, July, 2024, 23:33
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Tag: NI Assembly

Consultation Opens For New Health Bill For NI

Consultation on a new Public Health Bill for Northern Ireland. The Department of Health has launched a consultation...

Women In Politics – A Down News Review By Paige Toman

A Feature By Ulster University Undergraduate Paige Toman Who Completed A One-Week Work Placement With Down News **

Andrew McMurray Selected As South Down Alliance MLA

Andrew McMurray selected as new Alliance MLA for South Down Andrew McMurray has been selected by Alliance to become...

Patrick Brown Resigns As South Down MLA

Brown resigns as MLA with immediate effect Alliance's Patrick Brown has stood down as South Down MLA for...

Givan Says School Uniforms Must Be Affordable

Minister Givan Says He Will Crack Down On Schools Ignoring The School Uniform Guidance on Affordability Many working-class parents...

Brown Tables Flood Adjournment Debate In Assembly

Alliance MLA Patrick Brown Tables Adjournment Debate on Flooding in South Down South Down Alliance MLA Patrick Brown...

Armstrong Takes On Role Procedures Of Committee Chair

Kellie Armstrong MLA Assumes Role as Chair of the Committee on Procedures in the Northern Ireland Assembly Kellie...

Galbraith Proposes Special Day To End Abuse of Females

Galbraith proposes day for elimination of violence against women and girls Downpatrick SDLP Councillor Conor Galbraith has proposed instituting November 25th as...

Water And Sewerage Charges Could Be On The Cards

Consultation begins on options for introducing water and sewerage charges Following a direction from the Secretary of State for...

Mason Calls For Affordable Childcare

Childcare must be affordable for families says Mason South Down MLA Cathy Mason is calling on the Assembly...

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