27, July, 2024, 0:02
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Tag: NI Assembly

DUP Causing Health Service To Fail Says McGrath

McGrath says dire state of health service should focus minds of DUP SDLP Health Spokesperson Colin McGrath has said...

Mason Calls On Mental Health Plan To Move Ahead

Urgent need to fund mental health services in a new Assembly says Mason  In calling for improved mental health...

An Lá Dearg Turns Belfast Red For The Irish Language Act

Belfast sees a sea of red in support of the Irish Language Act Belfast turned red as the biggest...

Brown Concerned At Lack Of Progress At Stormont

Patrick Brown MLA expresses frustration at lack of government for the NI Assembly Recently elected Alliance South Down MLA...

Ennis Welcomes Sexual Offences And Human Trafficking Bill

Ennis welcomes passage of Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking Bill South Down MLA Sinéad Ennis.

UFU Disappointed At Assembly Decision On Net Zero Target

UFU respond to 2050 net zero target Commenting on the majority of MLAs voting in favour of a net...

McGrath Says Workers Rights Must Be Protected

Tearing down the NI Assembly will set back workers rights says South Down MLA Colin McGrath South Down SDLP...

Alliance Cllr Patrick Brown To Stand In Assembly Election

Alliance Councillor selected to stand in the next NI Assembly election Alliance councillor Patrick Brown in Newry Mourne...

Armstrong Delights As Liquor Bill Spirits Through Assembly

Cheers as new liquor laws hit the right balance in the NI Assembly. Strangford Alliance MLA Kellie Armstrong...

Mason Welcomes Organ Donation Bill To Be Signed Off

Ministers meet organ donation campaigners as new legislation moves forward. Sinn Féin Councillor Cathy Mason welcomes news that the...

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