SRC Achieves Autism Advanced Accreditation

Southern Regional College (SRC) Earns Autism Advanced Accreditation from National Autistic Society

Southern Regional College’s (SRC) Learning Support Team has received the Autism Advanced Award Accreditation by the National Autistic Society, the UK’s leading charity for autistic people.

The award was given in recognition of the College’s continued support for people with Autism, enabling all to access and advance educational prospects.

The accreditation was granted in acknowledgment of SRC’s ongoing efforts to provide inclusive and accessible education. 

As part of the assessment all current students with autism were invited to submit feedback and rate the quality of support and services offered provided. 

Students rated the College highly with 87% of respondents viewing the College as excellent or very good.  This high rating was supported by numerous positive comments submitted to the National Autistic Society.

The recent accreditation follows the College’s initial recognition in November 2021, reinforcing the College’s commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. 

The College’s Learning Support Department are focused on providing training on autism to their staff to ensure they meet the diverse needs of all students. 

Pictured are members of SRC’s Learning Support team outside the Sensory HUB installed on the Armagh campus. (l-r) are Carla Hilditch, Jacinta Toner, Chloe Marshall, Lesley Beare, Lorraine Abbott, and Donna Hughes.

Autistic students at SRC benefit from access to a dedicated Learning Support Manager, Co-Ordinators, Assistants and Mentors as well as assistive technologies and laptops. 

In recent years the College has invested in sensory HUBs for the Armagh and Banbridge campuses as well as development of quiet spaces within the Newry campus. Plans are underway to expand these facilities across all SRC campuses.

In the past academic year, the Learning Support Team worked diligently alongside the Student Engagement team and Careers staff to provide additional wraparound services for Autistic students. 

From trialling lunch clubs for Autistic students and providing a range of activities to support students with social communication, interactions and relationships. 

Support from the Learning Support team begins prior to students commencing their courses, with orientation visits available and links with external transition staff to support the transition of autistic students to further and higher education.

Speaking on the accreditation award from the National Autistic Society, Donna Hughes, Learning Support Manager at SRC said: “We are delighted to be recognised by the National Autistic Society for the support and services we provide for our Autistic students.

“The accreditation demonstrates our staff’s commitment to making sure all our students receive an education allowing them to reach their full potential and gain entry to further study or employment.”

“Courses on offer at Southern Regional College cover almost all subject areas and include full-time, part-time academic and vocational qualifications. 

“This extensive course selection means there is a diverse range of needs to be supported.”

“Our learning support staff play a crucial role in providing invaluable assistance to Autistic students, both before they begin their courses and throughout their time at the College.

“Their support is instrumental in helping students succeed academically and personally.  I would commend staff for their continued dedication to making a difference for our students.”

Autism Accreditation is an autism-specific quality assurance programme. It was set up by the National Autistic Society in 1992 to improve the support available to autistic people in organisations throughout the UK and across the world, including local authorities, NHS trusts, education authorities, schools, colleges and more.

To gain Accreditation, organisations have to meet a standard of excellence and follow a framework for continuous self-examination and development.