McMurray Addresses Foul Odours In Warrenpoint

McMurray seeks meeting with DAERA Minister over Warrenpoint nasty odours beside the waterfront

Alliance South Down MLA Andrew McMurray has secured a meeting with the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in relation to foul odours affecting residents in Warrenpoint.

South Down Alliance MLA Andrew McMurray made his maiden speech to the Assembly and called for the introduction of an Independent Environmental Protection Agency. Could he be making a maiden speech in the Commons before long as he has already thrown his hat into the ring for the Westminster parliamentary election in South Down.

Residents in the area have been reporting the stenches since 2023, which led to an investigation by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council.

Mr McMurray has said: “I have spoken to the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs about concerns from local residents and business owners in relation to reports of foul odours. He has listened to the issues raised and as follow-up I have requested a meeting with Minister Muir which I hope will occur soon.

“The stenches reported are shocking, and I am determined to continue working with all relevant bodies to secure a permanent resolution to the foul odours affecting people in Warrenpoint.”