McGrath Disappointed At Executive Decision On Suicide

McGrath questions Executive commitment to mental health services

South Down MLA Colin McGrath has questioned the Executive’s commitment to suicide prevention.

SDLP Opposition Health Spokesperson Colin McGrath has questioned the Executive’s commitment to delivering improved mental health services.

He was speaking after the Executive parties backed an amendment to the SDLP’s Opposition Day motion urging them to make suicide prevention a priority for all government departments.

South Down MLA Colin McGrath said: “They removed a call to commit to this through their Programme for Government.

“It’s hugely disappointing that when given the opportunity to show their commitment to suicide prevention and improved mental health services that the Executive instead decided to close ranks and push through an amendment that significantly watered down our motion.

“The SDLP knows how important mental health is and that’s why we made the decision to dedicate the first Opposition Day since the Assembly’s return from recess to highlighting the need for a cross-departmental approach to dealing with this issue.

“This strategy was alongside proper targets and funding for community and voluntary groups.

“We heard much talk from the Executive parties today about mental health, but when it came to including it in their Programme for Government they balked. I don’t think it’s too much to ask the Executive to outline how they plan to deal with the mental health crisis and their actions today make it seem like they are more interested in covering for each other’s failings than delivering meaningful change for people here.”