Mason Welcomes Plan To Tackle Vaping In Schools

Vaping Motion In Assembly welcomed by Cathy Mason

Sinn Féin MLA Cathy Mason has welcomed the passing of a motion in the Assembly calling on the education and health ministers to bring forward a plan to tackle vaping in schools.

The South Down MLA said: “I have been working with parents and schools listening to their voices and the growing concerns around vaping in schools.

Cathy Mason MLA has welcomed moved in the Assembly to address vaping in schools.

“Today in the Assembly, my party brought forward a motion calling for the education and health ministers to bring forward a plan to tackle vaping amongst children in schools.

“Principals are crying out for help with this growing issue, and young people continue to suffer the significant harm of vapes and their dangerous contents.

“We must all put our shoulder to the wheel to support school staff and parents, protect children’s health and to eradicate vaping on our school premises.”