UK Independence Party (UKIP) Down District Representative Alan Lewis, has written to the Minister for Regional Development requesting that building contractors are compelled to maintain housing developments to an adequate standard, prior to adoption.
Mr Lewis said: “During this past year, I have dealt with many issues affecting part-completed housing development. Issues have included council bin lorries refusing to enter sites to carry out refuse collections, road infrastructure problems, sewage and drainage problems, street lighting issues and ground work issues. I have written to the minister outlining problems encountered, and requesting his department’s help.
“There is also the issue of safety when homes are being sold and rates are being paid. Surely the contractor must have a duty of care to ensure roads are accessible, ground work is completed to the required standard, street lighting is adequate and road salt is available? Roads Service are increasingly being forced to take legal action to ensure contractors bring developments up to satisfactory adoption standards. I believe DRD should now step in an introduce measures to ensure developments are maintained to a safe standard, whilst the adoption process takes place.”
Lewis Says Compel Developers To Complete Pre-Adoption Work