Killinchy Beekeepers Running Introductory Course

Become a bee keeper… have fun, enjoy some honey, and help the environment.[/caption] He said: “The Preliminary Beekeeping Course, is run in association with the Ulster Beekeeper’s Association and DARD. “It will qualify you for a certificate in the Proficiency in Beekeeping awarded by FIBKA (Federation of Irish Beekeepers), and comprises of a series of seven evening sessions and around three ‘hands on’ practical sessions at our training apiary. “The course- starting on 12 February, will prepare the candidate to become a beekeeper, showing them how to set up an apiary, construct a hive, acquire bees, swarm control, bee disease control, and honey production, the exam takes place in May. “The fee for teh course is £100, which includes the examination fee, a year membership of Killinchy Beekeepers, and insurance. The Association will then strive to mentor and support the new beekeeper as they enter an exciting and fascinating world. “Further information and application forms are available at  the UBKA (Ulster Beekeeper’s Association) website ( under “Education – Courses”.]]>