Is It Time To Tighten Up NI Equality Laws ?

Is Northern Ireland lagging behind when it comes to equality law?

  • Paula Bradshaw MLA, Chair of the Committee for the NI Assembly Executive Office

Dear Editor,

Is Northern Ireland lagging behind the rest of the UK and the EU when it comes to protecting vulnerable groups?

That’s the question I and the Assembly’s Committee for the Executive Office are asking the public. 

We’re keen to gather the views of as many people as possible as part of our inquiry into ‘gaps’ in equality legislation – to ensure that any future laws here are robust and fit for purpose.

Anyone and everyone impacted by equality legislation can make their voice heard by responding to our online survey. We want people to give us their views about equality protections on areas including disability, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and age. 

Our aim is to understand what ‘gaps’ exist in laws here compared to other parts of the UK and the EU – and how those differences affect people’s daily lives. 

That will help us understand how legislation here might need to change to ensure our standards are the same as in other places.

Our survey opened in June and we have already received responses from individuals and charities as well as legal professionals and community groups.  But there’s still time to have your say: our survey closes on Friday 6 September.

This is the first, but very important, stage in gathering information for us to consider.  All the survey responses we receive will be central to the inquiry, adding much-needed context and value to our findings and subsequent recommendations.

In the Autumn, we will hear the views and lived experiences of a number of key groups before publishing our report in early 2025.

Complete the survey online by putting this short link into your browser:

Requests for hard copies of the survey can be made by contacting the Committee for the Executive Office, Room 419, Parliament Buildings, Belfast BT4 3XX or by emailing: 

or telephoning: 028 9052 1830.


Paula Bradshaw MLA,

Chairperson of the Committee for the Executive Office.