Health And Business Chiefs Condemn Racism In NI

Health and businessnes chiefs take a stand against racism

A joint statement from Chief Nursing Officer Maria McIlgorm and Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Michael McBride has challenged the upsurge in racism in Northern Ireland, and the Federation of Small businesses too has declared its to the recent riots and attacks.

The health leaders statement said: “The health and social care system in Northern Ireland is, and will continue to be, a place of welcome and support for all, regardless of culture, ethnicity or background.

“We are disgusted by the despicable and violent scenes of recent days.

“We are angered that this behaviour has left some of our staff feeling anxious, frightened, and unwelcome. We want to reassure those staff that this behaviour is not representative of Northern Ireland, nor the people who live here.

“The diversity within our committed and dedicated HSC and independent sector workforce should be embraced and celebrated.

“Much has been said about the hugely valuable contribution that our internationally educated and recruited colleagues and friends make to our health service, and that point cannot be overstated.

“They come together day in and day out to provide kind and compassionate care to our sick and most vulnerable – irrespective of background – providing vital support to our health and social care system.

“Indeed, that contribution stands in stark contrast to the behaviour of those behind this violence.

“We are the richer for our diverse and multicultural workforce, not only professionally, but within our communities right across Northern Ireland.

“Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and to live in a safe environment free from harm and intimidation.

“We therefore condemn and stand against this deplorable racist behaviour and express our full support to all HSC staff.

“To those staff feeling vulnerable at this time, assistance is available from HSC employers. Northern Ireland has a proud reputation of providing excellent pastoral care for our international recruits, so please reach out for help if you need it.”


Hideous attacks are a disgrace Says FSB NI

Alan Lowry, FSB’s Northern Ireland Policy Chair, has expressed FSB`s disgust and condemnation of attacks on businesses, business owners and police in Belfast.

Alan Lowry said: “The scenes of destruction and hideous attacks on businesses in Belfast are a disgrace. There is absolutely no excuse for it. The intimidation, racist attacks and assaults on police are utterly contemptible and should be condemned.

“Business owners and their employees should be able to operate free from threats and intimidation, sustaining jobs and breathing life into town and city centre economies.

“It is disgusting to see what happened to some of the businesses in Belfast which have been devastated by rioting and arson attacks, and their owners left questioning whether they can even go on.

“All right-thinking people will stand in solidarity with those business owners.

“The entrepreneurs who start these and other businesses have already faced myriad challenges over recent years and the last thing Northern Ireland needs is to see more obstacles put in their way, bringing negative headlines as we seek to grow the economy and bring more jobs to Belfast and across the country.”


Retail NI Condemns Racist Attacks on Belfast Businesses

Commenting after this weekend’s attacks on Belfast businesses, Retail NI Chief Executive Glyn Roberts said: “These attacks are despicable and should be condemned.

“Racism has no place in our community and those behind these attacks should be brought to justice.

“Our thoughts are with the owners and staff of these businesses going through such a traumatic experience”. 

“We hope that the police will learn lessons from last weekend and ensure that these disgraceful racially motivated attacks on business owners are prevented in future.”


Public Health Agency Issues Statement Against Racism In NI

PYA releases statement condemning racism in our society and directed at health workers

A statement issued today from the Public Health Agency said: “We are all appalled at the race-related violence and attacks that have taken place over recent days in Northern Ireland.

“This has no place in our society, and as an organisation which works very closely with a diverse range of groups and individuals across our communities, we are acutely aware of the fear and worry that this will cause for many people.

“Our work as the lead body for public health in Northern Ireland supports newcomer communities, groups working with people from a range of ethnic backgrounds, and people who are seeking asylum, and we understand the impact that the violence and disorder will have on so many people.

“The Agency Board want to assure our partners of our support at this time and understand the concern that the recent racist attacks and intimidation will cause among you and those with whom you work.

“The health service and its partners are fortunate to have a diverse and dedicated workforce and volunteer base and it is vital for the health of our population that this is protected and maintained.”