Tag: Chief Medical Officer
Nesbitt Calls For People To Take Flu Vaccinations ASAP
Please come forward for vaccination asks Health Minister in order to ease pressures on the health service
Health Minister...
Health And Business Chiefs Condemn Racism In NI
Health and businessnes chiefs take a stand against racism
A joint statement from Chief Nursing Officer Maria McIlgorm and...
Covid-19 Test Treatments Delivered To 6000 in 2022
Almost 6,000 COVID-19 patients receive groundbreaking treatments in last 12 months
Almost 6,000 patients at highest risk from the...
Chief Medical Officers Says STIs Are Increasing
Worrying rise in diagnoses of some STIs says Chief Medical Officer
There are worrying increases in the diagnoses of...
Chief Medical Officers Says Get The Jab
Get jabbed and support the health service says Chief Medical Officer
Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Michael McBride has...
Covid-19 Testing And Tracing Is Changing
COVID-19 testing and tracing is changing in Northern Ireland
Testing for COVID-19 and contact tracing in Northern Ireland is...
Health Chiefs Say Covid-19 Safety Measures Still Needed
A Joint statement from Dr Michael McBride and Dr Ronan Glynn says Covid-19 safety measures over Easter are still needed.
Young People Still Vulnerable To Drink And Drugs
The Chief Medical Officer in Northern Ireland has said that there is no room for complacency as the latest report is launched on alcohol and substance abuse in young people.