A strategy to improve the lives of people with disabilities 2012 – 2015.’ Other guest speakers at the event, held in Grosvenor Grammar School, included Joanne Sansome, REAL Network and Sharon Vennard and Eilish Byrne two athletes from last year’s Paralympic Games. Speaking at the launch Junior Minister Jonathan Bell said: “This Executive strategy is a fundamental statement about how we will deliver on the rights of people with a disability. From the key principle of demonstrating our support for the Social Model of disability, to the measurement of that delivery, no-one should be in any doubt about the Executive’s collective commitment to deliver equality, fairness and to meet our obligations to those who live with a disability. “We are determined to make sure that all persons with disabilities enjoy equal rights, and that they do not live with their life-chances limited or constrained. Our fundamental aim is to make life better for disabled people and to provide the opportunities for them to thrive.” Junior Minister Jennifer McCann said: “Disability impacts on not just the individual, but the family, the carers, the wider circle of friends, relatives and co-workers who are often taken for granted. Through the Disability Strategy we must offer practical support to people with disabilities and deliver measureable changes to the lives of people with disabilities and their families. “Through the Delivering Social Change framework we are committed to delivering practical support to people with disabilities and to making real, measureable change to the lives of people with disabilities and their families. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the development of the disability strategy which will evolve as we continue to listen to everyone with a contribution to make. “]]>