Clarke Calls For Pedestrian Crossing On Dundrum Road

Sinn Féin Councillor Willie Clarke Advocates for Pedestrian Crossing on Dundrum Road, Newcastle

Sinn Féin Councillor Willie Clarke has highlighted the urgent need for a pedestrian crossing to be installed on Dundrum Road, Newcastle.

Councillor Clarke said, “I have been contacted by a number of concerned residents in Newcastle requesting I make representation on their behalf to DFI Roads for the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Dundrum Road, Newcastle. The provision of a pedestrian crossing facility at this location is crucial.”

Sinn Féin Mournes Councillor Willie Clarke says there is an urgent need for a crossing on the Dundrum Road in Newcastle.

He said that Roads Service officials have acknowledged challenges in determining the optimal location for the crossing adding that the preferred site is adjacent to the garage, which is now under new management.

“DFI Roads has indicated that one of the garage entrances needs to be closed to facilitate the installation of this essential safety measure.”

Councillor Clarke added: “It is my understanding that the position has been identified, and I am eager to see the installation of the pedestrian crossing, particularly given the fatality of a pedestrian at this location.

“I will be urging DFI Roads to do everything within their powers to deliver on this.”