Call For Traders To Support Newry Variety Market

Chairperson Leads Call Out for New Traders at Newry Variety Market

A new drive to get Newry market up and running will provide an opportunity for small local businesses in the wider Newry area to set up stalls for two days a week and attract customers from far and wide.

Newry Mourne and Down District Council have launched a new advertising campaign aimed at encouraging local small businesses to give trading at Newry Variety Market a try, whether they are experienced traders, first-timers or budding entrepreneurs who would like to sell their produce, creations or stock to new customers.

Newry Variety Market, organised by the Council, takes place weekly on Thursdays and Saturdays from 8.30am to 1.30pm, and items on sale include selling locally-produced items such as food, as well as and unique gifts, crafts, confectionery and more.

The Chairperson of Newry Mourne and Down District Council, Councillor Pete Byrne, said: “The acquisition of new stallholders is our main aim for 2024-2025 and part of our work in terms of helping to boost the local economy.

The Chairperson of Newry Mourne and Down District Council, Councillor Pete Byrne, leads a ‘Call Out for New Traders’ for Newry Variety Market which takes place every Thursday and Saturday from 8.30am to 1.30pm.

“We’re keen to support local businesses and give new traders the chance to sell their goods in the town centre at our weekly variety market.”

“By supporting local producers, growers, suppliers and offering them the opportunity to sell locally, markets are an ideal way of showcasing the diverse range of products available in Newry City.

“As well as calling out for new traders to benefit from selling at the market, I’d encourage shoppers to come down to Newry City on Thursdays and Saturdays and support independent traders.”

Housed in a beautiful Victorian market hall, Newry Market has been part of the fabric of Newry and Mourne for centuries. 

Chairperson of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, Councillor Pete Byrne leads a ‘Call Out for New Traders’ for Newry Variety Market, he is pictured with existing stall holder Tommy Curran (Ardglass fish monger). The market takes place every Thursday and Saturday from 8.30am to 1.30pm.

Cllr Byrne added: “The Market can facilitate up to as many as 70 traders every week throughout the year. Costs for a stall start at £29 per covered stall and £25 per outside stall.

“Existing and new stall traders require a trader’s licence and have relevant insurances in place in order to trade at Newry Variety Market.

“There is no need to pre-register with Council and stall traders simply turn up on the day and liaise directly with the Noel Pepper the Market Clerk. 

For further information on Newry Variety Market, please contact Gail Kane/Ciaran Og Mussen on 0330 137 4031 or email:

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