“One such company displays an ‘RCO’ number. However, it should actually be an ROC number (Registration of Carriers License). It states that the collection has been authorised by the local Council – this is not the case. “This appears to simply be a money making racket and not for a charitable status. When you consider that textiles are worth approximately £750 per tonne, you can see the value of sourcing such items. “I do wish to stress that there are some excellent charities doing similar work in the area and I wouldn’t want this statement to take away from that. I would simply urge people to verify the authenticity of the charity before donating any such items.” Councillor O’Neill added: “I am disgusted to see such activity in the greater Castlewellan area. “Our local community is very charitable and always willing to help the more vulnerable in our society so for such companies to be praying on our goodwill is unacceptable. “It is clearly purely for profit. I would encourage people to be cautions but to continue donating their unwanted clothing to the charities that are totally above board as it is a great way of accumulating much needed funds in these difficult times for the charity and voluntary sector.“]]>