‘Dundrum Tuesday Club’ for the over 60’s. From Tuesday 16 April over the next eleven weeks every Tuesday from 10.30am to 12.00noon people over 60 are welcome to call into the restaurant in the Dundrum Inn to the ‘Dundrum Tuesday Club’ for tea/coffee and a weekly activity. Each week there will be various activities such as Arts Crafts, Tai Chi, Relaxation and Aromatherapy, Music, Reminiscence, Crime Prevention Talk, Food and Mood to name but a few weekly topics. This coming Tuesday 16 April will be a meet and greet session followed by various weekly activities every Tuesday from 10.30am to 12.00noon until 25 June. The ‘Dundrum Tuesday Club’ is free and a great way for people over 60 to meet new friends, neighbours, or old acquaintances. For further details contact Heather on 02844 612311 or Amanda on 028437 51211.]]>