Truesdale Reacts To Unruly Motorhomes In Newcastle

Alliance have called for a tightening of the Council bye-laws as unruly motorhome owners

Alliance Councillor Jill Truesdale has called for a tightening up of Council bye-laws in Newcastle following unruly behaviour in some car parks and green spaces by motor home owners and in green spaces.

Councillor Jill Truesdale has spoken of her disappointment after it was decided to only place a temporary barrier over the entrance to Castle Park to prevent motorhomes entering the park on the run-up to the Amgen Irish Golf Open.

Cllr Jill Truesdale said: “I have been inundated with complaints about the behaviour from motorhome owners in Castle Park.

“There have been reports of grey waste thrown onto the rocks, chemical toilet waste poured into the public toilets, littering, fires, drinking in public to much more serious threats of violence and abuse directed towards members of the public and council staff.

“This is unacceptable in all its forms.

“The temporary barrier will be at a cost of £2000 for the week of the 9th to the 15th for the Amgen Open Golf Tournament. Reasons cited are on the need for a barrier focused around fire risk with 27 motorhomes being recorded on the 4th August.

Mournes’ Alliance Councillor Jill Truesdale has reacted to motor homes and campers abusing Council bye-laws in Newcastle.

On this date there was also a contravention of the Council by-laws on overnight stays.

Councillor Truesdale added: I have absolutely no problems with motorhomes using the five shared designated spaces during the day but these spaces are being abused and even other motorhome owners, who use the many sites around Newcastle, are embarrassed by the behaviour of the particular group in Castle Park.

Whilst the motion passed through Council there was a condition that the long dormant Motorhome Strategy be brought back into Active Healthy Communities to look at again through the lens of how this is being misused.

Council bye-laws regarding car parks in Newcastle have been flouted by motorhome users.

Cllr Truesdale who thanked Cllr Aoife Finn for speaking up about the situation in Castle Park on behalf of her colleague Cllr Devlin, also requested that this strategy perhaps changes it name as Newcastle is also suffering from campers in Donard Park, caravans, home-made vans and tents being in areas where there are no facilities, adding “it is not just motorhomes”

Assessing the overall position through the Council, Cllr Jill Truesdale said: “The response from the relevant committees has been positive to this idea.

“Unfortunately there was a number of concerns over the past few weeks regarding recent tents in Donard Park. This required the combined efforts of the PSNI, council enforcement, officers and refuse. Arrests were made and others moved on.

I wish to extend my thanks to all involved in this situation and I have requested better signage in Donard Park making it very clear that overnight camping is against Council By-laws.

“We are all very proud of our green spaces and special places, we know we are fortunate to live in such a beautiful area and whilst we are happy to share and ‘show off’ our town we will not tolerate disrespect and poor behaviour.”