Truesdale Concerned Over Newcastle Toilets Availability

Lack of public toilets in Newcastle is causing ‘accidents’ says Councillor Jill Truesdale

Alliance Mournes Councillor Jill Truesdale has outlined her concern over the closure of the Downs Road toilets while refurbishments take place for a portion of the block to become a ‘Changing Places’ facility and renovations of the connected public toilets.

Cllr Truesdale said: “As a party we have campaigned very hard to have this facility put in place in Newcastle. The length of time it has taken to get this far has been too long but we are here now, however, on the cusp of the busiest time in the town for residents and visitors and it’s very poor timing.

“The timeline for the completion was to be May/June of this year, this has been extended til August/September.

“The public toilets side of the block on the Downs Road are located right beside the beach and a very popular playpark.

“If a three-year-old tells you they need to go to the toilet there isn’t a hope of reaching Castle or Islands Park where the nearest toilets are now located.

Mournes Alliance Councillor Jill Truesdale keeping an eye on the Council toilet facilities in Newcastle currently under repair and improvement. She is concerned that visitors will find it difficult to get to a toilet and explains that local businesses are having to accommodate visitors to the town in their toilets.

Cllr Truesdale added that before the work had started she had requested extra temporary toilets be put in place, this has been reiterated several times since.

“She said: “As the only Mournes Councillor living in Newcastle, I see these issues play out very quickly.

“I’ve been contacted by numerous people and businesses who have either witnessed accidents occurring or are being repeatedly asked for the use of their toilet facilities.

“How do you turn a child or elderly person away from a basic human right?

“This is unsustainable, Newcastle toilets have been under par for many years, we are finally getting an upgrade but this cannot be the price to pay.

“What visitor wants to come for a day out and spend time worrying about the toilet facilities?’

Councillor Truesdale has been in contact with the relevant Director again and has received assurances that the situation will be reviewed this week and for that she wishes to put her thanks on record.

She said: “I am hoping for a swift and positive resolution to this distressing issue so that everyone can enjoy the rest of their Summer.”

The plot thickens: No Room At The Inn

Today, (writes Jim Masson), I was coming back from Newcastle around lunchtime when I needed to spend a penny and I pulled in to into the Twelve Arches toilets.

The urinal was open and I was gratefully appreciative of this. However…….. when I came out, I saw a disabled boy in a wheelchair being pushed by a lady making their way to the disabled toilet. I watched curiously and was shocked.

They tugged at the door to no avail. They waited a moment in case someone was in the toilet. It was empty… and they headed back to their car.

If for technical reasons the toilet was out of commission there should have been a notice beside the toilet explaining that. The poor boy had to go through all that discomfort for nothing.

UPDATE: Fortunately portaloos are now arriving at the Donard Park and Downs Road sites.

And I ‘ve since learned that a disabled person can get a radar key from council offices or ask any elected rep to get you one to get access to a toilet. Also Newcastle Centre may have some spares and they definitely have a disabled public toilet.

It seems like a big town where its very difficult to take a wee wee-wee!