4, December, 2024, 19:09
Home Tags DAERA


Muir Says We Should All Be Recycling Every Day

Recycling should be an integral part of our everyday lives says Muir Recycling must be an integral part of...

NIVA Opposes DAERA Move To Cut bTB Compensation

North of Ireland Veterinary Association responds to DAERA consultation on Tuberculosis compensation As the perennial subject of bovine tuberculosis...

Farmers Across NI Boxed In With Ammonia Proposals

Ammonia proposals could delay progression and reduce farm income The Ulster Farmers Unions (UFU) is concerned at the farming...

NI Water Asks Farmers Not To Spread Slurry On Water Area

Farmers urged to protect water resources when spreading slurry As the slurry closed season comes to an end, NI...

UFU Opposes Proposal To Cut bTB Compensation Rates

DAERA proposes to cut the bTB rate and has gone out to consultation The Department of Agriculture, Environment and...

Downpatrick Traders Seek Way Forward After Flood

Downpatrick business people met at the Downpatrick RGU to discuss how to move forward A packed meeting was held...

Fur Flies Over Court Decision On Badger Cull

Court Decision Over Proposed Badger Cull Causes Major Debate Already as the dust settles on the court decision...

UFU Says Legal Review Will Hit Livestock Farmers

UFU comments on Judicial Review outcome over Bovine TB and Wildlife The High Court has ruled that efforts by...

Ardglass Fisheries Meeting Sets Out Path Ahead

DAERA official sets out plans for next stages in harbour developments Key fishing industry stakeholders in Ardglass met at...

PAW Clamps Down On Freshwater Fish Poaching

Campaign by the Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) raises awareness about poaching There are a number of...

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