26, July, 2024, 23:52
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Tag: Brexit

Mason Concerned About Brexit Checks

Tories Brexit checks will damage all-Ireland tourism says Mason Sinn Féin South Down MLA Cathy Mason has called on the British Home...

Community Groups Facing Funding Crisis

Key frontline community services will be lost unless ESF is replaced in full  The Community Foundations says that the Westminster government must...

40% Of UK Traders Now Export Less To The EU After...

4 in 10 traders are now exporting less to the EU Responding to an EU Select Committee inquiry into...

Hazzard Slams PM Over Brexit Harming Local Businesses

South Down MP Chris Hazzard says the British Government is showing a reckless approach to Brexit damaging South Down Businesses

Ritchie Calls For Answers In Lords To Brexit Chaos

Lady Margaret Ritchie demands answers from government over Brexit chaos. One of Northern Ireland’s leading politicians is pressing the...

Hazzard Warns Of Possible Catastrophe In Brexit Talks

Britain must focus on averting catastrophe in Brexit talks says Hazzard  Sinn Féin’s South Down MP Chris Hazzard has...

Protect The GFA Agreement Hazzard Tells Westminster

Hazzard writes to Westminster parties on need to protect Good Friday Agreement. Sinn Féin...

Ritchie Appointed To Powerful House Of Lords Committee

Baroness Margaret Ritchie of Downpatrick has been appointed to a powerful select committee in the House of Lords which oversees the powers of devolved governments in the UK post-Brexit.

Hazzard Says UK Will Face Legal Challenge Over Brexit

British cannot be allowed to override Brexit agreement Says South Down MP Chris Hazzard.

Hazzard Welcomes Brexit Package With Some Reservations

Sinn Féin South Down MP Chris Hazzard cautiously welcomes the announcement from London today about border controls and customs, but sats more needs to be in place.

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