Strangford Lough Festival Hit By Bad Weather

The programme itself was very varied and intesting with lough boats trips, an air sea rescue demonstration and a look at the coastal rock life at the QUB Marine Biology Centre in Portfaerry. There were also a number of art exhibitions by local artists and the Exploris Aquarium too was also a center of attention. There was even traditional music laid on at the Market House and other venues in Portaferry. The Clear Skies Sea Safari trips were popular and if you call in to Cuan Licensed Guest Inn in Strangford over the summer, you will take a step back in time with its replica shop as the Cuan is celebrating its 200th anniversary. The walking tour of Killyeagh also provided a lot of interest as this little town in Down has a number of very famous characters who hailed from there, including the inventor of chocolate, Sir Hans Sloane. The model has been set and although this year was a disappointment weather-wise, and some activities could not be done for operational and safety reasons, there is no doubt that the crowds will come again next year and hopefully the sun will be shining.
