[/caption] Councillor Willie Clarke said, “As an elected representative I have been campaigning on these much needed schemes for some time now, having recognised the dangers posed to local dwellers in their absence. The two villages are densely populated areas, built up on both sides, with a heavy volume of traffic passing through them at very high speeds. ‘The area has large numbers of walkers and children who use the roads regularly. These schemes will be greatly appreciated by residents in both villages, particularly parents. Councillor Burns also added, “Unfortunately the Maghera traffic calming scheme has been dramatically scaled back from what originally had been promised. I have witnessed first-hand the dangers posed by speeding vehicles, in and around the village. Obviously, I welcome any measure which will reduce the risk of speed. Yet I would stress that these plans do not go far enough. “I will be writing to the DOE to ask them to reinstate the original plan for the Dundrum end of the village, and I plan to formally invite Road Service personnel to meet onsite in the coming weeks.”]]>