Shimna House At Downshire Staying Open Says Trust

Shimna House Ward 15 to stay open despite rumours says South Eastern HSC Trust

A wave on concern has washed over local councillors in Newry Mourne and Down District Council fearing that Ward 15, the addictions unit located at the Downshire Estate in Downpatrick, was facing a threatened closure writes Jim Masson.

Down News learned of this ‘threat’ early this morning and immediately responded by asking the South Eastern HSC Trust for a definitive statement to dispel and rumours which could harm the good work that is ongoing at Shimna House (Ward 15.)

In the meantime, those receiving treatments and families being supported can rest assured says the Trust that Ward 15 is safe and sound.

In a prompt reply to my query, a Trust spokesperson responded saying:The South Eastern Trust can confirm that there are no plans to close Ward 15 at the Downshire Hospital and there is no impact on the staff currently employed there.

“The Trust is fully committed to ensuring the continuity of service provided by Ward 15 and we are taking all necessary measures to ensure the service continues to operate.”

Shimna House (Ward 15) is not closing maintains the South Eastern HSC Trust despite some local fears.

I learned that there was an issue with a key member of staffing leaving his post moving on and that seems to have caused a domino effect leading to fears escalating. However, the Trust has given their assurance they will do everything they can to fill this key position of the addictions specialist.

However, I then subsequently learned today that WARD 15 was the subject to an emergency motion at the monthly council meeting this evening as councillors were ‘concerned’. The plot thickened!

Sinn Féin Counciilor Oonagh Hanlon brought the motion forward seconded by Cllr Philip Campbell. It read:

This Council notes with concern that services at Shimna House ( Ward 15) at the Downshire Hospital may be at risk.

This council supports the retention of services at Shimna House  Downpatrick and acknowledges the work of the management and staff who provide essential services regionally to support those with alcohol and drug addictions and to support their journey to recovery. 

We agree  to write to Minister for Health and CEO of The South Eastern Trust to note NMD Council’s support for full retention of services and trust they will fully commit to ensuring this facility remains open.

Cllr Oonagh Hanlon, in speaking to her motion, said this was a very important issue for Downpatrick and that the Sinn Féin team had been contacted by a number of people expressing their concerns about the threat of a possible cl;osure oif the service

Ward 15 is to stay open says the Trust but Councillors want a belt and braces commitment at a meeting with the Trust in September. And a letter is being sent off to the Health Minister from Newry Mourne and Down District Council stating the Council’s full commitment to Ward 15. (Photos by Jim Masson/Down News) ©

She said:” I was privileged recently with Chris Hazzard MP to visit Ward 15 and it was a humbling experience. We saw the services that they provided there first hand. We saw what the staff and friends of Ward 15 do to help those addicted onto the path of recovery.

“These people are some of the most vulnerable people in our society. What stood out for me was that Ward 15 provided a safe shelter for those affected while the service providers appeared in some turmoil.

“The staff give those addicted and their families what support they need allowing them to have hope in their lives.

“It is clear we need more commitment into providing more enhanced services in this area of health care. We need to ensure that we are fit to deal with this health crisis.

“Therefore, it is vital that the Trust retains these services that are a lifeline to so many people in Downpatrick and much further afield in the South East.

“Services must be protected and enhanced into the future.

“Therefore I ask this chamber to support my motion and agree that we write to the Health Minister and the CEO of the South Eastern HSC Trust noting that Newry Mourne and Down District Council fully supports the retention of services at Ward 15, and that the Trust full commitment to Shimna House remains open.”

SDLP Cllr Gareth Sharvin said that his party supported the motion and that he had spoken to the Trust CEO this morning. He added that Ward 15 reaches out as far as the Southern Trust and the Belfast Trust areas.

He proposed an amendment to the motion saying that Trust should be requested to respond by September at a meeting with Council bringing the periodic health meeting with the Council a month closer which would help feedback on this issue. Cllr Hanlon accepted the amendment.

Other councillors present also backed the main motion which was passed unanimously.

Cllr Jill Truesdale (Alliance Party) said: “Ward 15 is a tranquil space of peace. There has always only been one psychiatrist usually in Ward 15. We are looking at a situation now where there is a skills shortage.”

Cllr Henry Reilly (DUP) said: “I was shocked when I read the emergency motion that Ward 15 was under threat. People attend there to get excellent professional help. The services there should be enhanced.”

David Taylor (UUP) said: “We support the motion. We need to see that there is a long-term plan in place for Ward 15. We don’t want to be fire-fighting going forward.”

Cllr Johnny Jackson (DUP): “We support the motion and recognise the importance of the work of the staff and the service of Ward 15 to the community.”

The motion received the full support of the chamber.

The lines have now been drawn in the sand.

A meeting between councillors and representatives from the South Eastern HSC Trust will take place possibly in September, but the periodic meeting was scheduled for October.

A letter will be sent to the Minister of Health and Roisin Coulter, the Trust CEO.

So all’s well that ends well.

Was Sinn Féin flexing muscle ? Was the Trust testing the waters and public opinion ? Are the councillors looking at the wider developmental scenarios that could develop around the Downshire Estate site?

There was no discussion of that at the council meeting tonight. Just a sense that everyone was expected to be good neighbours.

For the sake of all those people with addictions who have gone through Ward 15 and their families receiving much needed support, and for those who will continue to benefit from this valuable service, I hope I never have to write about this again and raise expectations or fears in vulnerable people. I sense their anguish.

Let’s hope the agencies quietly get this sorted!