Shannon Welcomes Council Move To Tidy Cemeteries

Ards and North Down Borough Council agree to clean up cemeteries in Ards area

Jim Shannon, the outgoing DUP MP for the Strangford constituency and a candidate in the Westminster election for the DUP candidate for Strangford has stated that the meeting with Council staff along with Alderman Naomi Armstrong-Cotter was very constructive and helpful.

“I had requested this meeting following a large  number of complaints to my office about the conditions of the cemeteries at Movilla, Ballywalter, Greyabbey and Kirkistown.

“I am thankful that the staff were agreed to meet and discuss such a sensitive issue.

“Alderman Naomi Armstrong-Cotter and I were impressed at the vast improvement at Movilla Cemetery. 

“I was made aware that recent changes to the staffing format have taken place and there are now two team leaders allocated with the responsibility divided between them both with more accountability and better access for constituents.

Jim Shannon, who is standing for re-election as Strangford MP pictured wit Naomi Armstrong-Cotter in Moville Cemetery after be successfully lobbied for a full clean-up.

“The problem of grass cutting with earth and grass being strewn everywhere and this will hopefully now be resolved with the new system in place which should ensure that gravestones are not covered in this debris. Cutting away from gravestones will be the new policy so that they are not covered in grass and debris.

“There have also been complaints about damage to headstones and we have been assured that there will be much more attention paid to headstones and surrounds.

“Also, there are potholes everywhere at Movilla Cemetery and there has been agreement by the Council to resurface all the tarmac within Movilla Cemetery, and short-term repairs will be carried out. The commitment to resurface all the cemetery is good news.”

Jim Shannon added: “This was a very good meeting. Change is happening and the Council plans for the future are to be welcomed.”