rd Jan 2011 Wednesday past saw the County juvenile handball finals come to Down Leisure Centre. This was the first opportunity in several years for RGU members to witness the high levels of skill which our young stars have attained. Two years ago the club rolled out a Primary School’s coaching programme. The structures put in place are now beginning to bear fruit, with many children now taking part in various competitions throughout Ulster. The following are all County Champions; Under-12 singles ; Eoin McMullan Under-12 doubles; Ronan Murphy and Ryan Sterritt Under-14 doubles; Kevin Polly and Hugh Dornan [caption id="attachment_19378" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="RGU young handballers Hugh Dornan, Kevin Polly, Ryan Sterritt, Ronan Murphy and Eoin McMullan."][/caption] The under-12’s success being all the more remarkable as all three players are under age next year again. The club also had three teams narrowly defeated, these were; Under-13 singles Ryan Doran Under-13 doubles Taylor Louden and Ciaran Hampton Under-14 singles Michael McMahon. These young players have gained valuable experience, and will no doubt be back next year to fight for County honours. Under-14 football training continues on Saturdays at 3.00pm with an additional indoor fitness session on Thursday evenings at 7.00 pm in the Clubrooms. The Under- 16’s are still enjoying their weekly training session on Sunday mornings at 11.00am. In the mean time, the Club has just recently qualified for two grants from Sport NI. These grants come under Health & Safety ground regulations and will create a steel fence to block off access to the drain on the MOT side, the erection of a concrete stepped viewing terrace with a capacity of 250 spectators on the cemetery side, the installation of turnstiles, CCTvs, PA system and equipment for medical provision. An additional £10,000 will be required to procure what the Club feels it needs to complete the project properly. This money needs to be raised before the project commencement date which is the end of April. The Club is launching a draw which will take place on Easter Sunday night. Tickets are £2 each with 3 LCD televisions as prizes. We urge you to support this draw and help the Club develop a project which will greatly enhance the facilities for members at Pairc Thomáis Uí Ruiséil. Each member will receive at least two books of six tickets to sell. Irish classes for beginners will be starting shortly, and places are still available. If you are interested please contact Maria Collins immediately on 44612731. Set dancing continues on Tuesday nights at 7.30. Anyone interested just turn up or ring Johnny on 07710369509. For party bookings ring Brian on 07745496213. This week’s lotto numbers were 5,12,15,26. Eleven share £100 and next week’s jackpot is £2800. Our web site is updated on a regular basis. For all the latest news go to www.rgudownpatrick.com If you have any club information or announcements please send the details via email to rgu1@hotmail.co.uk]]>