A spokesperson for the South eastern HSC Trust (SEHSCT) said: “Good car parking provision for patients, visitors and staff is an important part of the experience of using the health service.

“Inappropriate use and the lack of availability of car parking spaces can make a visit to a health service facility even more stressful for patients.
“The SEHSCT has used parking enforcement companies for many years due to problems associated with inappropriate parking and problems with access for emergency vehicles. The Trust would like to advise that a new contractor, Parking and Enforcement Agency (PEA), has now been appointed to carry out enforcement of restrictions on the Downe and Downshire sites.
“Parking restriction enforcement signage will identify the areas where enforcement will take place.
“The Trust wishes to ensure that
* Â Disabled Blue Badge Bays are protected for Blue Badge Holders
* Â Emergency access routes are accessible by emergency vehicles
* Â Ambulance bays are restricted to use by ambulances
* Â Drop off pick-up areas are used only for that purpose
* Â Verges and pedestrian footways are not parked on
* Â Signed restricted areas are not parked on
* Â Staff permit holding areas are properly used
“Parking and Enforcement Agency (PEA) will apply Parking Charge Notices to offending vehicles in the areas identified by signage.
“Contractor’s signage will soon be erected and warning notices will be applied to offending vehicles to increase awareness before implementation. From 20 June 2016, Parking Charge Notices will then be applied to offending vehicles of £40, extending to £60 if not paid within two weeks.
“Please be aware of the signage indicating the designated areas in which enforcement will take place. To appeal a charge contact should be made directly with PEA using the information detailed on the Parking Charge Notice.”