ALLIANCE Party Deputy Leader and East Belfast MP, Naomi Long will travel to Newcastle at the end of February to address the South Down Alliance Annual General Meeting.
[caption id="attachment_36235" align="alignleft" width="213"] East Belfast MP Naomi Long is to address the South Down Alliance Association in February in Newcastle at the AGM.[/caption]
This is Naomi Long’s first visit to Newcastle this year and she will be addressing South Down Alliance party members as well as discussing matters relating to South Down such as promoting tourism, the economy, agriculture, the environment and a shared future for all.
Councillor Patrick Clarke, spokesperson for the South Down Alliance Association, said: “I am delighted that the Deputy Party Leader Naomi Long is taking time out of her hectic Westminster schedule and other party commitments to travel to Newcastle at the end of February to address the South Down Alliance Annual General Meeting.”
“It has been a very difficult few months for Alliance elected representatives, party staff, members, but especially for our deputy leader and MP. But Naomi can be assured of a terrific welcome when she travels to Newcastle where she will address party members.”
“This will be Naomi’s first visit to Newcastle in 2013 and she will be taking time to talk to South Down members about a number of issues including growing the local economy and promoting tourism and work in relation to building a shared future.”