McMurray To Stand For Alliance In South Down Seat

Andrew McMurray to stand for Alliance in South Down in General Election

Andrew McMurray recently appointed as South Down MLA will stand for the party in the South Down constituency in the July 4 General Election it has been confirmed.

McMurray, who is married with 2 children, first entered politics in 2016 as a councillor for Newry Mourne and Down District Council, representing the Slieve Croob area and has been an MLA for South Down since 2024.

Andrew McMurray said: “It is a great honour to be selected to stand for Alliance in South Down.

South Down MLA Andrew McMurray is to stand in the general election for the Alliance Party.

“For too long the Conservative Government in Westminster has not given adequate or due care to Northern Ireland and South Down in particular.

“Alliance has gone from strength to strength in South Down, increasing our vote share at all levels of government over the last number of years. 

“This has been a direct result of our hard work on the ground delivering for everyone across South Down.

South Down Alliance MLA Andrew McMurray has made his maiden speech to the Assembly and called for the introduction of an Independent Environmental Protection Agency. Could he be making a maiden speech in the Commons before long if he is elected in the general election ?

“It was disappointing, but not surprising, to see the DUP and Sinn Féin framing this election as an ‘opportunity to strengthen the Union’ and about it being a ‘Case for Unity’. 

“However, this election should be about amplifying our representation in Westminster.

“We need to champion our schools, our health system, our businesses and industries, our environment and our planet but for the last seven years, our voice has gone unheard.

“That’s why I am standing in the General Election, to give the people of South Down a positive, progressive voice in Parliament.

“This election is an opportunity to vote for a candidate who will stand up and fight for everyone in South Down.”