McGrath Slams DAERA for Environmental Failings

McGrath says damning report highlights DAERA failings

The SDLP’s Colin McGrath MLA has tabled a series of questions to the DAERA Minister Andrew Muir MLA following publication of a damning report that has exposed DAERA’s failing to meet its environmental obligations.

South Down has faced a number of critical water issues and the condition of the river Quoile is a burning topic in Downpatrick.

Commenting, the South Down MLA has said: “Right across the North, issues with water are becoming more apparent.

“These are issues which elected representatives from the entire political spectrum have been highlighting for years, and it is unfortunate that they have remained unresolved.

Reflecting on teh report: there has been a lot of discussion about the River Quoile recently following the flood in Downpatrick in 2023. Colin McGrath has raised questions with the DAERA Minister on the back of a recent report which the South Down MLA says is a shocking indictment of the state of our waters in the North.
(Photo at the River Quoile by Jim Masson / Down News ©).

“It is clearly an issue which the Executive must address. 

“That therefore requires an honest appraisal of the current state of play and joined up efforts between departments.

“Here in South Down we have witnessed multiple issues around water quality in Newcastle, and at the Quoile River in around Downpatrick in particular.

Colin McGrath MLA has challenged the DAERA Minister over failings to meet environmental standards around water targets.

“”The Office for Environmental Protection recently published their report into A Review of Implementation of the Water Framework Directive Regulations and River Basin Management Planning.

“While the report title is a bit of a mouthful it does lay bare that DAERA is not on track to meet its environmental objectives, to bring 70% of the North’s water bodies to a good standard by 2027.

“Given the target was missed in 2021, DAERA decided to extend their missed target to 2027.

“Even with the extension they are unlikely to make this target, as most recent reports show that only 31% of our water bodies are in good ecological condition.

“I have written to the DAERA Minister to determine what the status is for South Down’s water bodies as this will be information the public needs to know.

“We need to see leadership from the DAERA Minister on this, and work across the Executive.

“Unfortunately, matters like this really expose the position that the silo mentality of the past has left us in.”

Again, the question arises: when will the assembly discuss an independent Environmental Protection Agency ?