McGrath Says SDLP Backs The Touring In The Trees Site

SDLP Will fight for the Touring in the Trees site says McGrath

The SDLP’s Colin McGrath MLA and Castlewellan representative Hugh Gallagher have said that they will fight to ensure Council maintains the Touring in the Trees site in Castlewellan Forest Park.

Commenting, the South Down MLA has said: “Having been contacted by numerous constituents on this matter, it is clear the level of love that many people across the South Down area have for this particular site.

The Touring in the Trees site does have a very different feel and experience compared to the wider Castlewellan Forest Park site, given that it is open all year long, and the people who make use of it have been coming here for many years.

Cllr Hugh Gallagher and South Down MLA Colin McGrath in Castlewellan Forest Park.

“Therefore, when the Park finishes its transfer from Forestry Service to Council, it is essential that this site is maintained as it has been, and does not fall away.”

Mr McGrath added: “I will now be engaging with the local Council to see what their plans are for this site and to ensure its future is secured. The SDLP want to see its future assured, and if the Council were to allow it to fall away as has happened in Kilbroney and Gosford, this would be an incredibly short-sighted and foolish thing to do.”

Cllr Hugh Gallagher said: “It has been disappointing to see other sites such as those in Kilbroney and Gosford lose their Touring in the Trees sites which have become run down since they have been left. 

“Having engaged with many of the businesses across Castlewellan, I know how deeply frustrated they feel at the prospect of losing this site.

“Our businesses know the value of those who utilise the site and what they bring to the local economy. It is essential that this site is protected.”