McGrath Questions Issues At Down Leisure Centre

Colin McGrath MLA concerned about Down Leisure Centre maintenance

Colin McGrath MLA concerned about Down Leisure Centre maintenance

South Down SDLP MLA Colin McGrath has said that concerns around the upkeep and maintenance of Down Leisure Centre must be addressed with haste.

Commenting, Colin McGrath said: “The opening of the new state-of-the-art Down Leisure Centre in Downpatrick in 2019 was a tremendous occasion for all of us who had campaigned for years to see new facilities for those in our district.

“It has been well enjoyed and used since then.  

“However, I have been concerned recently following contacts by numerous constituents who have raised issues regarding general upkeep and maintenance of certain areas of the leisure centre. 

South Down MLA Colin McGrath is querying the maintenance at Down Leisure Centre.

“Concern has been raised regarding the vitality suite and why the pool must undergo maintenance every Monday and on additional days as well. 

“I understand anecdotally that one of the reasons for this is regarding the ballast tank, which is not large enough to accommodate the amount of water required for the pool. 

“This is evidently something, which must be addressed quickly.

“Another issue has been the broken window in the vitality suite, which has remained broken for some time. 

“General issues such as this need to be resolved to give customers the confidence that the centre is being maintained by the Council as it should be.

“There are a number of other issues, which have been detailed to me, which I have in turn raised with the Council. 

“I trust that they will give this the appropriate attention and ensure that these matters are resolved.

“It has only been 4 years since our new centre opened. 

“It is far too soon to be seeing such issues being presented,” added Colin McGrath.