McGrath Gets Assembly Debate On Warrenpoint Odours

McGrath arranges a debate and Warrenpoint smells will be discussed at a session in the Assembly

The SDLP’s Colin McGrath MLA has secured a debate in the Assembly on the ongoing issue of smells in the Warrenpoint area.

South Down MLA Colin McGrath has arranged an Assembly debate on the smells in the Warrenpoint harbour area.

The South Down MLA said: “Local residents in Warrenpoint have been subjected to what appears like foul smells emanating from Warrenpoint Harbour, as a result of waste being stored by Re-Gen for over a year now.

“While I welcome that steps have been taken to clear the waste, we must ensure that this never happens again.

“That absolutely must be our goal, regardless of what political party we are a member of.

“I believe the DAERA Minister has questions to answer about the operations of NIEA, and why it has allowed for so much waste to be stored here at any given time.

“The local community wants answers to these questions, and MLAs want answers as well.

“Therefore, I am delighted to have secured an Assembly debate on this, which will compel the Minister to come to the house and answer the questions that will be put to him.

“Having already been tabling a number of questions to the Minister and engaging with our local community groups, securing this debate is an important next step to addressing the ongoing issues at Warrenpoint.

“This should lay bare the operation of the NIEA, and I would hope, help encourage debate on whether this limit of waste stored at WHA can be reduced.

“I look forward to the debate on the 1st October and will continue to keep local residents and community groups updated on the outcomes.”