Mason Says School Uniforms Need To Be Affordable

School uniforms must be more affordable says Cathy Mason MLA

Sinn Féin South Down MLA Cathy Mason has submitted legislation to the Assembly to make school uniforms more affordable.

Cathy Mason said: “Each summer, and throughout the year, parents face astronomical costs when buying school uniforms and PE gear.

“Parents and families are already struggling with rising living costs, and they need and deserve our support.

“I am bringing forward legislation to the Assembly which will insist schools have a competitive tendering process,.

“They will have to remove requirements for expensive branded items, and permit the use of affordable High Street alternatives.

“This will keep money in the pockets of workers and families, by cutting costs and making uniforms more affordable.” 

Sinn Féin MLA Cathy Mason says she is bringing legislation to the Assembly to help push the cost of school uniforms down.