BACK in the 1990’s and early 2000, Further Education at the Downpatrick Technical College included a small but popular course particularly by the more elderly members of the district.

A course attracted a dedicated band and it aimed to promote the use of this hand-writing art to encourage the practice lettering and general calligraphy.
But in 2007 it was a disappointment that the course was discontinued due to ‘insufficient number’ and the eighjt core students who attended the caligraphy classes in Strangford decided to set up their own class to continue their studies.
Ronan Fitzsimmons, a founding member, Â said: “The group then employed their calligraphy teacher privately. Their only problem was in finding a suitable weekly venue for the classes. Fortunately, one of the members was a member of the Downpatrick Credit Union who came to the rescue and the management board agreed to provide an upstairs room on alternate Thursdays.
“The group then selected their name, Lecale Letterers, and soon it increased to 15 who are now looking forward to their winter classes. The exhibition in the Credit Union building illustrates the wide range of work that eh members do covering various styles eg foundational, italic, uncial, copperplate including to writing on glass and on candles.
“Our members are very grateful to the Downpatrick Credit Union for their support.”
For further information on classes commencing in September, phone Jacquie on 028 427 738519 or Ronan on 028 44 841464.