‘Yes You Can’ Female Entrepreneurship Programme
Gets Started in Bangor!
The ‘Yes You Can’ Female Entrepreneurship programme came to Ards and North Down on Monday 8 April to launch the first ‘Yes You Can’ local female networking event in Bangor’s Signal Centre.
‘Yes You Can’ is a new three-year business start-up and growth programme to encourage women to say ‘yes I can’.
The programme, which is a collaboration with Women in Business, Invest Northern Ireland and the 11 local councils, was launched on International Women’s Day last month through a pitching competition that had a £20,000 prize fund up for grabs.
Lesley O’Hanlon, the Head of Programmes with Women in Business, said:
“The Yes You Can programme is an exciting opportunity for female entrepreneurs from all sectors and at all stages of their journey to benefit from support, mentoring and advice.
“There are a range of initiatives taking place including mentoring, bootcamps, residentials and networking opportunities. We were delighted with the interest in the programme and look forward to supporting female entrepreneurs throughout Northern Ireland over the next three years.
Yes You Can will roll out across Northern Ireland this year and is the first female entrepreneurship programme to be delivered throughout the country.
Karine McGuckin, the Economic Development Manager at Ards and North Down Borough Council, said: “Ards and North Down Borough Council is delighted to be the first council to open the Yes You Can programme and I’m pleased that we’re in a position to support women entrepreneurs across the Borough and beyond.”
“More than 20 women attended the first networking event at the Signal Centre and it was a huge success,” she added. “I’m looking forward to seeing them take advantage of many more opportunities that will help them showcase their talent and strengthen their businesses.”
To find out more information about the programme, visit: www.womeninbusinessni.com/Yes-You-Can.aspx