Fatal And Serious Drink Driving Report Is Published

The ‘Fatal and Serious (KSI) Road Traffic Collisions Caused by Drink Driving, Northern Ireland 2018-2022’ is published today

The message from a Department of Infrastructure drink driving report is start… don’t become a statistic!

Fatal and Serious (KSI) Road Traffic Collisions Caused by Drink Driving, Northern Ireland 2018-2022 has been produced by Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch (ASRB). 

This bespoke analysis was commissioned by Promotion and Outreach Branch, DfI, and supplements the draft NI Road Safety Strategy (NIRSS) to 2030 Annual Statistical Report.

The publication is available on the ASRB website at: 

Northern Ireland Road Safety Statistics

Don’t drink and drive – you could become a statistic.

Key points – in 2018-2022:

  • There were 377 people killed or seriously injured in collisions where “Impairment by alcohol – driver/rider” or “Impairment by drugs (illicit or medicinal) – driver/rider” were the primary causation factors. Of these 296 were caused by alcohol and 81 were caused by drugs.
  • Impaired by alcohol was the fourth highest causation factor for Fatal or Serious Injury (KSI) collisions, behind “Inattention or attention diverted”, “Wrong course / position” and “Excessive speed having regard for the conditions”. 
  • Males were responsible for 80% of KSI collisions where “Impaired by alcohol – driver / rider” was the primary causation factor.
  • Drivers aged 17 to 49 were responsible for over four-fifths (82%) of drink driving KSI collisions.
  • People aged 16 to 49 made up 82% of drink drive KSI casualties, compared with 57% of all KSI casualties.
  • Car users accounted for 83% of drink drive KSI casualties, compared with 57% of all KSI casualties.
  • Over half (55%) of drink drive KSI collisions occurred between 21:00 and 04:00, compared with 14% of non-drink driving KSI collisions.
  • Over half (56%) of drink drive KSI collisions were single vehicle collisions, compared with 21% of all KSI collisions.
  • The Mid Ulster Local Government District had the highest annual rate (6.9) of drink driving KSI casualties per 100,000 resident population, while Mid and East Antrim had the lowest (1.6).
  • Just over one-fifth (21%) of Drink and Drug Driving KSI casualties were caused by Drug Driving. This is higher than the 10% recorded in 2011-2015.

Notes to editors:

Fatal and Serious (KSI) Road Traffic Collisions Caused by Drink Driving, Northern Ireland 2018-2022 is part of a suite of problem profiles produced over the last few years.

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