Farry Says Having A Green New Deal Is Imperative

Too much at stake to not have Green New Deal says Farry

“There is too much at stake for the UK Government to not have a green new deal”, Alliance General Election candidate Stephen Farry has said.

North Down Alliance Party candidate Dr Farry said with the effects of climate change already prevalent, urgent action was now needed. Alliance launched its own green new deal document in 2021.

He added: “The impacts of climate change are already upon us, hitting the most vulnerable the hardest. They will only continue to accelerate.

Dr Stephen Farry, North Down Alliance candidate, says we must have a Green New Deal going forward.

“This will cause needless financial distress for households, businesses and public services if we don’t future-proof our infrastructure and meet net zero targets.

“In Northern Ireland, we have the Climate Change Act, which Alliance MLAs worked hard to make as ambitious as possible.

“And we also fought for the establishment of plans for Executive Departments to move towards targets. While they may be ambitious targets, it is vital we are aspirational in our goals.

“Alliance has long recognised the need for urgent action to overcome the climate crisis. That’s why we led change by publishing the Alliance Green New Deal.

“Since then, the energy and cost-of-living crises have taken a dramatic turn for the worse, while the Conservative Government have U-turned on climate pledges and approved fossil fuel expansion.

“A green new deal recognises tackling the climate emergency goes hand in hand with economic transformation and social justice.

“We need to urgently decarbonise our economy and by doing so, unlock a fairer and more resilient economy filled with clean and affordable renewable energy, and well-paid green jobs.

“Alliance MPs will push this matter at every level of government in order to help create a greener, fairer society for all. With Alliance now holding the Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs portfolio, we are leading the charge towards a green and resilient Northern Ireland that empowers our communities, businesses and natural environment.”