Downpatrick Regeneration Working Group Holds Its First Meeting
Working towards an ambitious shared vision for town, the newly formed Downpatrick Regeneration Working Group has met for the first time.
At a meeting in Denvir’s Hotel, Downpatrick on 28 September, Malachy McGrady was appointed Chair and Cllr Dermot Curran was appointed Vice-Chair of the group.
Included in the photo are Conor Mallon, Council Director of Economic Development, Regeneration and Tourism; Jonathan McGilly, Deputy Director of ERT; Cllr Dermot Curran; Cllr Gareth Sharvin; Cllr Cadogan Enright; Janice McDonald, Manager of Down Business Centre; Brendan Kearney, FSB NI Chairman; Malachy McGrady, Director of McGrady and Co Insurance; Michael Morrissey, accountant and Business Centre Board Member; Gavin Oakes, Plus2Print; Stephen Magorrian, Co-Owner of Denvir’s Hotel; Phillip Campbell, Chair of Down Community Arts; and Nicholas McCrickard, Manager of County Down Rural Community Network. (Missing from the photo is Cllr Oonagh Hanlon.)
Recognising the huge potential of Downpatrick, the group will encompass elected members, Council officers, business and community representatives and other government departments such as the Department for Communities and Department for Infrastructure as required.
The group will work towards a shared vision for Downpatrick and undertake a strategic review of the town centre, as well as working with a range of groups and initiatives already underway.
Chair, Malachy McGrady said:“This is agreat opportunity for all stakeholders and statutory bodies to work together to benefit Downpatrick.
“I want to work on priorities already identified as well as adding to the list, and identify short, medium and long-term solutions. The group will commence work right away.”
Vice Chair Cllr Dermot Curran said, “I look forward to working with the Chair in this important role.
“We all need to work together to build on the positives already in Downpatrick and recognise the huge potential we have right on our doorstep.
“We will provide a platform for local businesses, help secure funding, and drive new investment and footfall into the town centre.”
At a meeting of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council’s Enterprise, Regeneration and Tourism (ERT) Committee on 8 August 2022, members agreed a proposal for the working group, with the decision approved by full Council earlier this month.