Downpatrick Railway Chair Condemns Vandalism

Vandals Smash their way through carriages at Downpatrick and County Down Railway

Once again the Downpatrick and County Down Railway (DCDR) has experienced a break-in with the vandals causing a very significant amount of damage.

The DCDR provides a huge amount pf pleasure to families, railway enthusiasts and volunteers from across a wide area and is one of the key tourism hubs in Downpatrick along with the St Patrick Centre and Down Arts Centre.

Two male individuals aged between 6th form to early 20s smashed their way through glass windows and doors on their mindless rampage on one of the trains.

If you recognise the persons concerned on CCTV, please contact the police or DCDR:

Mindless thugs have smashed theri way through carriages at Downpatrick and County Down Railway.

DCDR Chairperson Robert Gardiner described the recent attack as “demoralising.”

He added that around five windows were smashed and that these are expensive specialist glass items, including their rubber seals which sometimes have to be custom made, and that the cost could run run into several thousands of pounds.

“The response from the community has been very heart-warming and that is very much appreciated by our volunteers.

One of the windows smashed by the intruders at the Downpatrick railway.

“Our hard-working volunteers find these attacks demoralising and this destruction is just mindless. It just adds more pressure to all the volunteers and to their workload.

“We do have CCTV in operation and these individuals have been recorded on camera. It is now a police matter.

“The CCTV did catch previous intruders on the DCDR premises and one was in fact charged in court for his role in the break-in some years ago.

Robert Gardiner, Chairman of the Downpatrick and County Down Railway, pictured in May 2020 after vandals caused significant damaged to property at the railway yard in Downpatrick.

“It has been about 4 years since our last major incident. Our volunteers now have to pick up the pieces – literally.

“These two persons went through the train and forced doors open as they went. This was the most vicious and determined attack in years.”

Robert added that since Covid and then the flood in Halloween 2023, the DCDR had felt the pressures, and was just getting back on its feet again.

He said: “We have just tidied up the final paperwork with the Rail Safety Authority and once we get the final clearance we will be able to operate once again welcoming in the public for visits and train rides.

“We thought things were going pretty well and this setback then emerged. It is disheartening. Our volunteers have to clear up this mess and then where possible do the repairs.”