Clarke Backs Call For Play Area In Donard Park

Clarke says improved playparks will compliment the Mournes Gateway proposal

Clarke says improved playparks will compliment the Mournes Gateway proposal

Mournes Sinn Féin Councillor Willie Clarke speaking following the Mournes DEA, Playpark Review 2023/ 2027 meeting, said that he raised the issue of a playpark in Donard Forest.

He said: “I raised the need for a flagship playground in the Donard Forest – Donard Park area.

“Such an investment would compliment the Mournes Gateway proposal. This is a popular greenspace area for families to entertain their children.

“Investing in play provision ensures our young people have better play spaces they can grow and develop in, forests are a great experience for families and a adventure playpark would enhance this experience.

Cllr Clarke added: “I have been lobbying for an upgrade of the Islands Park playground Newcastle, which has become very tired.

Mournes councillor Willie Clarke is calling for an upgrade to the Island Car Park play area in Newcastle.

“I agree with Playboard’s assessment of the play value of the Islands Park playground in Newcastle, as they score it as one of the lowest play value playparks in the Mournes DEA.

“I agree with local parents that there is a need for an upgrade of the play facilities.

“There have been many improvements to the green space of Islands park such as new benches, pathways, tree planting, and picnic area.

“The playground and derelict toilet are letting the area down. It is vitally important that all-ability equipment is provided in any refurbishment of the play park  to cater for children with special needs.

“I have also requested that Council officers and Playboard investigate the provision of a playground in Glasdrumman.

“The need for this play provision in the area was highlighted to me by residents from the area.

“These proposals will now be assessed by Playboard involving a future meeting with Councillors to be arranged in November where outcomes will be discussed.

“This will help shape the future rollout of Council investment in play provision infrastructure,” said Cllr Clarke.