which provides facilities to access the data and to view the data on charts and maps. The Census is widely acknowledged as playing a fundamental and unique role in the provision of comprehensive and robust population statistics. Census information is needed to form policy, to plan services for specific groups of people and, especially, to make effective use of resources through distributing them to where they are needed most. Key users of information from the Census include both central and local government, academia, organisations undertaking research, the private, business and voluntary sectors and the general public. Today’s release of results from the 2011 Census will be followed by a number of other planned releases. Further information about these is set out in the Northern Ireland Census 2011 Output Prospectus (, which will be regularly updated as the release programme proceeds. 2. A number of supporting papers on the 2011 Census are also available on the NISRA website ( This information will be of use to community planners, developers, those interested in the political shape of Northern Ireland in years to come and many others.]]>