During each event scheduled on the tour, local writers will read from/perform their work and there will be a question and answer session at the end. This will be a great opportunity for the audiences to talk to the writers about their work, the business of writing and the process of becoming a published author. Writers confirmed for Downpatrick are Carlo Gebler (Lagan Press), Moyra Donaldson (Lagan Press), Sean Mackel (Guildhall Press) and Ivan McKeown (Cottage Publications). For more information about the writers that will be reading at each event during the tour, or to sign up for the PublishingNI mailing list, please email info@publishingni.com or ring Bronwen Williams, PublishingNI Coordinator on 078 259 138 44. This is a free event and everyone is welcome. The Ultimate Guide is available for download at www.downartscentre.com and can be picked up throughout the district.]]>