Ards and North Down Borough SDLP Councillor Joe Boyle has welcomed the improvement works planned for the Barhall Road Portaferry.
He said: “I’ve had issues presented to me concerning this location and the condition of the road. It is therefore welcomed that Transport NI have agreed to address this area with some level of maintenence.
“The issue surrounding the completion of the Shore Road location in Portaferry has also been raised where I have also asked for the footpath and street lighting that was prevented from being completed due to major works taking place at the Portaferry Sailing Club.
“I have also pressed the Department for additional schemes to be implemented on roads throughout the Ards Peninsula including the Tullymally and Ballygalget Roads, and various of stretches of the A20 Portaferry to Newtownards which could all be identified as all being in need of immediate works. There may well be budgetary restraints in place and I accept this, however, we need to have an acceptability level of safe road infrastructure in place and some of these locations may well be falling below this standard.”
Councillor Boyle added: “Perhaps with no sign of a return to any meaningful local devolved government it could be argued that similar to other Council’s on these islands that resources and responsibility for our roads should be passed to our Council’s where Councillors are capable of collectively delivering for their constituents on a day and daily basis.”