Boyle Welcomes Ards & North Down Street Pastors

Ards and North Down Borough Councillor Joe Boyle has praised the work of the Ards and North Down Street Pastors.

He said: “I met sometime ago with the Street Pastors and assisted them in getting a venue to hold a public meeting to explain their workings and as to how they would be keen to involve themselves in the Ards Peninsula.

“They do extremely good and important work through the Ards and North Down Borough and should be commended for their efforts in assisting all communities.

“I was delighted to meet up with members of the Street Pastors on their recent visit to Portaferry whereby they excelled themselves throughout the community by applying themselves in tidying up during a community event.

“I wish them well in their endeavours throughout the towns and villages in the Borough and thank them for their pleasant and cheerful approach in applying their assistance for everyone.”

Ards and North Down Borough Council Councillor Joe Boyle pictured with the Ards and North Down Street Pastors.