Back to School – Remember the Three R’s

DURING September parents and students can help reduce the environmental impact of the back to school rush by considering the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) when stocking up on supplies for the new term.

Most of the rubbish we generate in Northern Ireland comes from packaging and school lunches are no exception. Down District Council’s Assistant Education Officer, Rebecca McGreevy suggests buying children reusable lunch boxes and drinks containers and commented, “They not only save you money throughout the year but also greatly reduce the amount of waste you will have to put in your black bin. While this is good for the householder it is also good for the environment and Down District Council as it will mean less waste is sent to landfill. Encouraging a younger generation to reduce waste and recycle from an early age is a vital role we all need to play in order to reduce the volume of rubbish generated by future generations.”

Rebecca has come up with some tips to give mums and dads a helping hand to get their children back to school:

Buy school bags that are strong and will last for several years and if possible ones that are made from recycled material

  • Buy pens and pencils loose to avoid over packaging which goes straight in the bin and again if possible ones that are made from recycled materials
  • Reuse school uniforms that big brothers or sisters have outgrown, but are still wearable.
  • Use the bus or carpool with friends and if you live close enough and it is safe, walk or cycle to school.

For further information you can contact Down District Council’s Environmental Services Department on 028 4461 0819 or

Little Saints and Scholars after school club, Downpatrick recently took part in Down District Council’s Recycling Art activities. Included in the photograph is Noel Lyons Waste Promotions Officer for Arc21.