Ards Positive Ageing Roadshow Draws Hundreds

Hundreds Attend Positive Ageing Roadshow in Newtownards

Led by Ards and North Down Borough Council, Age Friendly Ards and North Down, in partnership with Ards and North Down Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP), Public Health Agency (PHA) and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, delivered a successful roadshow event in Newtownards during October’s Positive Ageing Month.

More than 200 people attended the roadshow that was held in Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex on 17 October. They received key advice and information from local agencies in relation to community safety, outdoor spaces and social participation.

The events also gave attendees the opportunity to engage with almost 40 exhibitors that provide key support services in the Borough.

In addition, attendees also had the opportunity to enjoy singing from North Down Community Network’s Sing 4 the Soul Choir and took part in a Move More Live More activity session.

The Deputy Mayor of Ards and North Down, Councillor David Chambers, said: “Positive Ageing Month is a celebration of our older people and the value they bring to our community.

The Roadshow was designed to promote local support services that will help people to age well. It raised awareness of how people can keep safe, keep active and stay connected through social and recreational activities available.

It was lovely to see so many there and I am positive that everyone who attended found it very engaging and informative.”

Wendy McDowell (Community Health Development Practitioner (Older People) South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust), Jo Scott (Vice Chair Ards and North Down PCSP), Deputy Mayor of Ards and North Down, Councillor David Chambers, and Carrie Crossan (Health & Social Wellbeing Improvement Officer, Public Health Agency). (Photo: Ian Pedlow.)

PCSP Vice Chair, Jo Scott, said: “Ards and North Down Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) was delighted to support and be involved the roadshow.

For many older people, crime and the fear of crime can be a major concern, so it is important that steps are taken to support and protect potentially vulnerable people within our local community.

Developing initiatives like the Positive Ageing roadshow educates and informs people about a range of crime prevention and safety issues such as scams, anti-social behaviour and how people can keep safe within their own homes.”

Jeff Scroggie, Regional Lead for Ageing Well at the PHA, said: “We were impressed with the numbers who attended this year’s Ards and North Down Age-Friendly Roadshow.

“It’s clear from the interest shown by the local community, there is an appetite for information, signposting to support services and activities for older people in the council area.

“Providing opportunities to empower older people to live healthier and more fulfilling lives, is crucial to maintaining and improving their wellbeing.

“It can help reduce isolation, help people become more active and forge important connections which is beneficial to mental health.”

The Positive Ageing Roadshows were run as part of “Positive Ageing Month”, which is celebrated every year in October, and is a month-long campaign of events and activities that promote positive ageing as well as celebrating the contribution older people make to their communities.

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