Andrews Gets Motion Passed Condemning Racism

Andrews welcomes council solidarity after racist attacks

Rowallane Councillor Terry Andrews has successfully brought a motion to Newry Mourne and Down District Council condemning racism, xenophobia and islamophobia.

SDLP Rowallane councillor Terry Andrews has welcomed the unanimous council support at Monday evening’s full council meeting for his motion condemning racist attacks in Belfast at the weekend.

Councillor Andrews brought forward the emergency motion at Monday night’s meeting of Newry Mourne and Down District Council.

Rowallane Councillor Terry Andrews has successfully brought a motion to Newry Mourne and Down District Council condemning racism, xenophobia and islamophobia.

The motion condemned the unrest and called for those responsible to be brought to justice.

Councillor Andrews said: “Newry Mourne and Down District Council has sent a strong message speaking as one unanimous voice on Monday evening when we expressed our disgust at the scenes that unfolded on the streets of Belfast at the weekend.

“It’s important that every one in a position of leadership unreservedly condemns the vandalism that occurred and stands in solidarity with all of those impacted.

“Despite shock and sadness at the destruction that took place, we have also seen the kindness of so many people who have went out of their way to reach out to the targeted businesses, whether by helping to clean up, raising funds or simply dropping in and extending the hand of friendship.

“This shows the real community spirit that exists in many places across the North, in stark contrast to those who wish to target people making an important contribution to life here.

“Our community is one that is inclusive, diverse and welcoming to anyone who wishes to make this place their home.

“Those responsible for what took place in recent days must be held accountable and brought to justice.

“But it’s also important that we send a clear message that their hate will never win. That’s the message every councillor in this area sent on Monday night.

“Our thoughts and prayers are also with the families and friends of the three young children who tragically lost their lives in Southport as they lay their loved ones to rest, and all who were injured and seriously affected by what happened on that very sad day.”