Alliance Reps Meet Up With Mourne Gateway Group

Alliance representatives meet with members of the Mourne Gateway Group to hear of their concerns

Alliance representatives Andrew McMurray, South Down MLA, and Cllr Jill Truesdale (Alliance) met with members of the Mourne Gateway Group to discuss their concerns about the plans for a gondola on Slieve Donard.

The Mourne Gateway Group is a group of local residents who are concerned about the financial viability of the project, as well as its environmental impact. And they =say too that there has been lack of public engagement by the developers.

The Alliance party shares many of their concerns said Andrew McMurray who added: “I welcome the opportunity to meet with members of the Mourne Gateway Group to hear their concerns, many of which I share.

“We have had concerns and stated objections about the Gondola element, which now seems to be the only element of the Mournes Gateway Project.

Andrew McMurray Alliance MLA Alliance (South Down), Mournes Councillor Jill Truesdale , with Geoff Ingram and Andy Carden (Mourne Gateway Group)

“These are that we don’t think it is financially prudent, given the continual price inflation in the construction sector. We don’t think that over the long-term it will be financially viable.

“Placing such a large piece of infrastructure which runs from Donard Park to Thomas’s quarry will not be without environmental significance to already delicate and fragile pieces of landscape. Overwhelmingly, the contact we have had with people on this matter has been one of opposition to the Gondola aspect.”

Cllr Jill Truesdale agreed: “Continually I have raised the concerns, as raised by groups and individuals to me, with the Council. It is our opinion that this project has lacked serious stakeholder and public engagement.

“Given the rising pressures on construction costs, as well as the need for alternatives to this project to be taken seriously, a new process of engagement will show attitudes to the Gondola element have been robustly rejected.

“Going forward, I would encourage all those groups with an interest in the landscape and fragile environment in and around Thomas’ Quarry, to engage with the process and make their views known.

“Furthermore, Alliance will continue to press Council to have further engagement sessions with the wider public as well.”

Newry Mourne and Down District Council is meanwhile continuing with the Gondola project which is part funded under the Belfast City Deal.