Clarke Welcomes Meeting For Burrendale Alleyways

Sinn Féin Mournes Councillor Willie Clarke has welcomed the convening of a meeting to discuss the ownership of alleyways in the Burrendale estate, Castlewellan Road in Newcastle.

Cllr Willie Clarke looks over a pile of rubbish on the Burrendale estate in Newcastle.

Cllr Clarke said: “Following our Newcastle interagency meeting last week, it was agreed Paula Nixon, Development Officer for the County Down Rural Community Network, would convene a meeting with DfI Roads, Housing Executive, Council Cleansing officers, Murlough Community Association and local councillors. The meeting will be held in early December to discuss and agree ownership / responsibility for the alleyways in Burrendale Estate.

“We aim to produce a master map that all the agencies have and work off so that alleyways are cleaned and maintained.

“It has been repeatedly reported at interagency meetings by community representatives that this is currently not being carried out to a satisfactory standard. As an elected representative it is clear there are significant problems including fly tipping, graffiti and lack of maintenance in a number of alleyways; which needs the input of a number of government agencies to resolve. Tenants deserve to live free from large amounts of litter and vegetation in alleyways behind their homes.

“It is just unacceptable to be passed pillar to post by different agencies when trying to get an area cleansed. ”