Shannon Backs British Farmers After Westminster Meeting

Shannon backs campaign to support British farmers following UFU meeting at Westminster

Strangford MP Jim Shannon has backed a campaign to support British farming following a meeting held between MPs and the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) at Westminster as part of the union’s British Farming Week engagements.

Following a meeting with Ulster Farmers’ Union representatives Alexander Kinnear and Willie Irvine, Mr Shannon said: “I am proud to be backing British farmers as part of British Farming Week.

“I want to commend the NFU and the UFU on their campaign to showcase the very best of farming across the UK, including Northern Ireland, at Westminster.

“The message is very clear: no farming, no food.

Strangford DUP MP Jim Shannon has backed British farming saying it is strategically important to ensure the UK and Northern Ireland has a well supported and viable farming sector.

“Agriculture in Northern Ireland is one of our largest producing sectors and employers, helping to feed millions across the UK with high-standard, high-quality produce.

“The importance of farming to Northern Ireland cannot be understated, with 65% of our food exports going to Great Britain.

“And it is important that the Chancellor makes British farming and food security a priority in her upcoming Budget.

“As we have seen only too clearly after Putin’s heinous invasion of Ukraine, robust domestic food production is essential to ensure that the country is fed and to reduce our reliance on supply shocks caused to failures in the international supply chains.

“I will continue to support farming as the biggest industry and employer in the Strangford Constituency.

“It will ensure that Northern Ireland farmers can play a full part in ensuring that the demand for high-quality, locally sourced produce is met for the UK market.”